Rank Runner Time Version Date Status  
1Maggara1 3:12Emulator FCEUX 2.2.208/27/2015   2   
2nou1 3:53Emulator06/20/2014   5   
3COOLKID 4:19 Nintendo Entertainment System03/21/2017      
4CartinaCow 22:17Nintendo Entertainment System09/10/2016      
5solidhex888 23:44Emulator Nestopia01/17/2020  1   
6ChoobsX 24:27 Emulator FCEUX03/25/2017      
7fcxiaopengyou 27:13 Emulator03/20/2016      
8Jimmothy 28:15Emulator FCEUX01/11/2018  1   
9Riv4r 41:55Emulator Nestopia07/19/2018      
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