Rank Runner Real Time Game Time Version Date Status  
1Kuribon 47:09 29:03Game Boy Advance09/12/2017      
2korin 50:36 Emulator BizHawk03/23/2020      
3StuntCoyote 50:51 32:11Game Boy Advance09/11/2017      
4Luijaro 51:07 31:37Emulator BizHawk12/11/2016      
5PeterAfro 51:57 33:07Emulator09/19/2016      
6ventkazuto98 52:4733:36Emulator BizHawk08/22/2018      
7Depths 55:10 35:09Game Boy Advance04/16/2018      
88BitIsGr8 57:29.436:56Emulator vba-rr09/24/2016      
9ChaoticMK 1:07:27 Nintendo DS11/28/2018      
10AppleCider 1:25:58 1:01:16Emulator09/15/2017      
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Moderators: Colttest, Flameberger, Kuribon, Nuy